LongShotz is our longer form production where the writers have a month to write a 30 minute play. Once completed, the scripts are handed over to the directors and actors for a four week rehearsal period. We've produced 3 on the West Coast and 10 in NYC.
We've given six playwrights 30 days to write a 30-minute play. The plays are precast and follow certain parameters:
Each play must relate to the theme *COLLATERAL DAMAGE,
*The playwrights are asked to find inspiration in Jane's Addiction's OF COURSE lyric “Of Course This Land Is Dangerous All Of The Animals Are Capably Murderous”.
*The play must reference and encounter with nature.
Featuring three original one-act plays by Chad Callaghan (named in ISA’s Top 25 Screenwriters to Watch in 2019), Patricia Cotter (Daytime Emmy Award Winner for Writing), and Morgan Gould (New Dramatists Resident Playwright). Artistic Director Christian Haines.
Directed by Michael Barr, Neiry Rojo, and Trevor Floyd.
LongShotz: Disruption Junction has been nominated for a 2019 Theatre Bay Area Award for Outstanding Specialty Production!
-Must Relate to the theme: "The Things That Separate Us"
- the play must be a redemption story... or lead up to one
-Please take the following quote as inspiration:
"Just 'cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there."- From Radiohead's song There, There
With plays by Jon Wai-Keung Lowe, Sabina Piersol, Conan Moats, Zoe Young, Jonathan Luskin & Jennifer LeBlanc